Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Watch the GAME?

Oh...I’m sorry. I’m just not into sports.

I love that my kids play sports.  But when I sit there…I watch my kid.  Not the game. 

Then my mind wanders.  As I watch my kid.....I’m thinking....what will they be like in 30 years, will they get married, what will their job be like, what will they be like?  Will he be nice?  Will he invite me to dinner or call me once in awhile?

Someone shouts, “Did you see that shot?”

Oh....uh....no....I missed it.

I smile and go back to my thoughts......look at the other kids….as they get older, how will their lives go, who will remain friends when they are my age…who will die early from some weird tragic death?   Will I still be here?  Will my kids be the ones leaving early? 

The man next to me stands and screams, "Yeah!" 

I look to the kids smiling at their latest goal and realize this will be the last time they will ever be this small.  They are so sweet, so innocent, so cute in their pre-teen, pre-acne, pre-I-know-more-than-you-Mom age.

The game is over and my ten year old runs over to me as I smile open my arms to hug him, "Did you win?"

My ten year old stops dead in his tracks, "Didn't you watch?"

I admit the truth, "I watched every second...."

My ten-year old lets out a big sigh as he rolls his eyes and walks toward my husband as I see the early onset of "My Mom is so dumb." 

Truth is....I'm much wiser than he'll ever understand.  I'm a mom.

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