Saturday, April 02, 2011

A Happy Ending...

The worst part about life? It ends. If not for you...then for someone else you're gonna miss horribly.

A few weeks ago, my dear friend Todd, 51, dad of 2 little kids and husband to a great wife, had a heart attack and died. No warning. No I love you's. No "did you remember to pay that life insurance bill?" Nope. None. Just hanging with the family one day...gone the next.

Last week another friend called sad that her 98 year old Grandfather passed away. While I feel bad when anyone has to say good-bye to someone they love, I also wondered why my friend couldn’t see how lucky and blessed she was that she got to have Grandpa in her life so long?

And really, how long do we expect a person to live anyway? I'm in shock every New Years when I realize another year has past and if I live to be 100 I now only have 63 more New Years left. Then I reduce 100 to 80 and then I only have 43 more left. It may be morbid to you, but to me, it's a reality check to remind me to get off my butt, take chances and not let the silly crap bog me down.

Do I expect to live to 150? No. Do I want to? The idea is horrifying; all my friends would already be gone and I'd have to endure all those funerals as I literally fall apart. (That's me being selfish.)

But when I think about my friend’s Grandfather, I’m still blown away how lucky is. She got to experience soooo many wonderful memories with him that she wouldn't have had if he had died when he was.....hmm…say, 51 like my friend Todd.

Bottom line: Go! Do! live! Appreciate those you love and tell them you love them. Over and over. Cause tomorrow you (or they) may be gone. And yeah,'ll be sure to tell them when you see them later in heaven, but in that case, why not start now?

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